Healing with Nature, an Online Class
With Rochelle Calvert
April 27 - May 18, 2023
This course is an opportunity to learn to practice mindfulness and somatic meditations in nature to support you in healing the traumas/wounds/intensities you have experienced. The places of trauma you have experienced in your life need your attention and loving care. Most often we have a difficult experience and just “move on” from it. However, when we approach these difficult experiences in this way- we don’t really get a chance to heal or resolve from the difficulty. And in these cases trauma becomes stuck in our bodies, impacting the ways in which we experience freedom and the ability to experience the relationships and activities we may want to enjoy in life.
The teachings and practices offered in this course are a path to healing. They are designed to provide you with safe and supportive practices to explore healing the places you may feel trauma has caused you to be stuck. Mindfulness, somatic healing, and nature invite you to come home to yourself, to reside with ease, possibility and love in your life. Take this journey of healing for yourself to support transforming trauma and fully living into your life.
During this course, you will have the opportunity to learn live with Dr. Rochelle Calvert. She will lead you through guided meditations, present informative talks/teachings on Healing with Nature, offer reflective inquiry and provide you with the opportunity to connect with community to deepen your learning experience.
Each class will be recorded and you will receive access to all sessions to continue to return to and learn from after the course has finished.
For more information, see Rochelle’s recent webinar, at https://rmerc.org/healing-with-nature-rochelle-calvert/
About the Teacher
Rochelle Calvert
Rochelle Calvert is a licensed clinical psychologist, ecodharma teacher, mindfulness teacher, and somatic experiencing practitioner. She has a devoted love to share the power and healing potential of mindfulness, somatic awareness and nature to heal trauma and to awaken and heal the Earth. She has studied and taught mindfulness for the past 22 years and knows personally […]
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