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2021 Teachers

Naveed Heydari

Naveed (he/they) creates relational contexts in which regeneration is the norm. They identify in the spaces in between with regards to sexual identity (queer), culture (Ecuadorean, Persian, American), spiritual orientation, and profession. He is a master revealer, and uses this superpower to open a field in which others feel safe to reveal their deeper truths […]

Imtiaz Rangwala

Imtiaz Rangwala

Imtiaz Rangwala has been practicing meditation for ~20 years and is a lay meditation teacher in the lineage of Cold Mountain Zen. He is also one of the founding members of Boulder Ecodharma Sangha. Professionally, he is a Climate Scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder where he provides climate science support to people managing our land, […]

Healing, Belonging and Kinning: An Ecodharma Retreat, Belonging to Each Other: Falling in Love with Mother Earth Together - An Ecodharma Retreat for People of Color, Zen and Ecodharma Retreat (Sesshin),

Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish

Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish is a lifelong star gazer, Afrofuturist philosopher, dancing mythologist and storyteller, practicing astrologer, social artist and creative ceremonialist. His current project is to utilize the many outer planetary alignments of the 2020's as occasions to create new holidays and festivals that open spaces for alternative futures and social realities. He serves as […]

Belonging to Each Other: Falling in Love with Mother Earth Together - An Ecodharma Retreat for People of Color, The Body of Stars: Exploring Embodiment, Earth & Purpose through Astrology,

Tara-Lloyd Burton

Tara-Lloyd Burton sat their first Insight Meditation retreat with Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and Sharon Salzberg in 1975, as a spiritually wounded Vietnam Veteran. In 1985 they incorporated the organization that founded Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. In 2000 they graduated with the charter class of SRMC’s Community Dharma Leader training program. From […]

Cynthia Wilcox

My personal journey is in coming to live from embodied presence, listening to the wisdom of the body, with compassion. I value seeing the goodness and beauty in others, walking alongside, supporting and trusting each one’s own knowing. I hold space and steadiness and hope. I have confidence in this path. The teachings offered here […]

Frederic Wiedemann

Frederic is an elder sage ... and renaissance kind-of-guy. He "downloaded" his life/soul mission in his 30's. The essence hasn't changed in these 40 years since: "to explore, embody, and share paradoxical Wholeness." His 50 years of journeying with this mission --and catalyzing others to find theirs — has led him to: founding and directing […]

Joshua Ellis

Josh Ellis is a mindfulness teacher, wilderness guide, and the former Resident Manager of RMERC. He is certified to teach mindfulness through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program. He is the founder and lead guide of Maui Mindful Adventures, a group dedicated to practicing mindfulness in motion in nature.

Lin Wang Gordon

Over the past decade, Lin has studied insight meditation (vipassana) under the guidance of Jonathan Foust and Mark Coleman.  In stillness and silence, she discovers the transformative power of meditation to help live a life of flow, joy, grace and gratitude. She was particularly moved by the power of nature meditation to connect with a deep […]

Natasha Deganello Giraudie

As a child growing up in Venezuela, Natasha learned some of her most valuable lessons outside the classroom – from indigenous people living on their ancestral lands. As an adult, she studied with the Dalai Lama for more than 20 years and had the opportunity to attend nature-based retreats with Thich Naht Han in his […]

Donna Roe Daniell LCSW

Donna Roe Daniell LCSW brings over 35 years of experience as a family therapist, trauma therapist, Zen and Vipassana meditation practitioner and Ecodharma teacher, MBSR teacher, Certified IFS therapist, Mindful Self Compassion teacher, retreat leader and climate activist. Her unique retreat offers women in major transitions in their lives a mindful path through grief to […]